What I Did Today Instead of Working on My Dissertation, #5
Is it sad that I already don't remember what I did yesterday? I do remember that I edited a paper that's poised for submission, worked on area statement-related stuff, prepared a crockpot dinner in the morning, and took my poor sick child to the doctor. Yes, she's infected. Yes, she's on antibiotics. At least she made it through 13 months of her life without them. And I tried to wait it out, but I got guilted by both the doctor and the nurse, so I guess I should have brought her in sooner.
I might have to give up these posts (sorry Jean!). I should have started them back in May, when I REALLY procrastinated. And I need to turn in a draft of my area statement by December, so I really, truly, have got to get crackin'! But, soon I'll have to dedicate more than Mondays to writing, so there may be much more opportunity for procrastination...
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