2 down, 2 to go...
Little Zoe was born to our friends Theresa and Damien Friday night. So sweet and pink!
There were four of us from the same workplace that got pregnant at about the same time (within about 8 weeks of each other). Cristal's girl is due two days after I am. Becca has had Amalie, Theresa has had Zoe. Beautiful little girls both! And I'm jealous...
I expect I'll be next. My doctor says I won't go till my due date. I'm already dilating, lost my plug (yes, it's pretty much what it sounds like) and am having contractions all the time, but without any kind of regularity. Unfortunately, what I am having is pretty serious back, pelvic and hip pain. For the first time since I've been pregnant, I've taken Tylenol. It's 5:30 am now and I've been up since 4 cause I couldn't sleep with the pain. That's after I woke up about 4 times prior to that last night. Sam has been wonderful, putting his full weight behind his hands when pushing on my lower back / pelvis, which seems to help a lot, although temporarily.
So cross your fingers, send your vibes, say a prayer, do a dance or some voodoo, whatever you do, to make this baby come soon. I think I'm gonna be pretty unpleasant until he or she is here...
I was updating my mom on your pregnancy--she sympathizes since I was three weeks late, 9 lbs. 6 oz., and it was the middle of July as well. She wanted me to let you know that the only thing that helped her get through it was crouching on the floor doggy-style. That's how she passed the hours...
I've done voodoo to the best of my abilities and burned sage in hopes you will feel better.
In all seriousness, take care of yourself! I don't know about this doggy-style biz-nass, but whatever works...